Monday, May 6, 2019

WAR GAMES Sonic Screwdriver - Prop Replica

For this entry, its a slight change to the norm, but a Sonic connection never-the-less.  As I want to return to The War Games version of The Sonic Screwdriver, the one that most people associate with the 2nd Doctor, and shine a spotlight on replica of this iconic little prop.

For those that don't know, a replica of the prop has been produced by Dark Energy Creations and to this date are still the only company making versions of this early design of  The Sonic Screwdriver. 

It all started a few years ago when Brian Terranova got together with Dave at Dark Energy Creations to work on crafting a detailed version of the prop. This was produced using exact measurements obtained from an original and existing Eveready penlight. Brian tells me the results were remarkable from the off. When he 1st saw Dave's prototype at a convention, the only suggestion made was to replace the stainless steel body! Admittedly, stainless steel is a vast improvement on the aluminium originally used, but not correct in materials. The aim was to replicate it for collectors as close to the original products as possible. It was a minor hiccup. Dave substituted the metal and with that, the penlights were ready to roll. Everything had been copied from the source material apart from one minor detail... the brand name on the clip.  This was sensibly omitted for copyright reasons. So, apart from that everyone who then purchased DEC's replica had, as thought at the time, the next best thing to the real deal. 

However, all changed in January 2019 when my blog exclusively revealed the correct and updated information on this Eveready penlight. Cruelly demoted by a few swift clicks of the computer keys to just a wee gadget used by the 3rd Doctor in The Time Monster to tap out a Samba beat in-order to de-hypnotize a group of captured scientist (full details in my 1st blog entry), those replicas were no longer correct. They were now just Mark 2's. Sonic's no more... but not for long! 

News travels fast via the web and upon hearing about my research, Dave started working swiftly behind the scenes. He replicated a new activation clicker to transform the Mark 2's to the correct Mark 1's for all his previous customers... and the results are in! Not only has he delivered excellent customer service by shipping them out for free, but he has also produced an upgraded, quality product. The results are truly astounding! How do I know? Well, Dave kindly sent me the updated end cap and I have to say, since he has never actually held an original in his hands, this piece of work is impressive. Very impressive. It would still be impressive if he had  had access to an original! In all honesty, I cannot praise this enough. 

Anyway, enough chat... let the results speak for themselves via side to side comparison pictures of the DEC replica activation clicker against my original Eveready. So Ladies and Gents, it's time to play... 'Spot the difference!'

Not bad eh? With just a slight tweak by myself to the internal threading only of the DEC end cap, you can see that their replica fits perfectly onto the body of my original Eveready penlight Mark 2. Thus turning it instantly into the correct Mark 1 version penlight, or Sonic Screwdriver as seen in The War Games  (Please note - 'In the flesh' the colour of the DEC end cap is darker than it appears in my photos)

Now, for those of you who missed out on this excellent replica and now wishing that you had jumped on board, don't panic! Start saving your cash as I bring you good news.  There will be a 2nd run of these penlights sometime in the very near future. Don't miss out a second time, as this is the only way you'll be able to come anywhere close to owning this version of the Sonic. Remember, Eveready only produced the white clicker variation of the penlight for just two years, so they are as scarce as Gallifrian Hen's teeth. 

So, if you want a chance to purchase a replica of this rare prop, don't delay! Go visit the Dark Energy Creations site  via this handy link...

There you can subscribe to the newsletter to be updated on not only this, but the other Sci-Fi film and TV related products coming up in the foreseeable future. 

Oh, and while you're there, have a look around to see what else they've produced. It's all good stuff. You wont be disappointed at the craftsmanship of the work, or the excellent customer service.

Until next time!

Photos and video stills used on this site are © BBC Worldwide Ltd. The Doctor Who brand is a trademark of the BBC. No infringement is intended or implied.


  1. Hi, Lee! I'm hoping you can help. Can i ask, can you describe the internal threading tweak you made to the DEC end cap? I've just got hold of a newer Ever Ready 1980, and the DEC upgraded end cap, and want to repeat your hack. The upgraded cap seems slightly smaller than the 1980 end, so i'm assuming plumber's tape, but would happier hearing about your solution. Cheers, jon

    1. 1st of all congratulations on finding one Jon. How/where on earth did you find yours?? Best story I heard was someone bought theirs from ebay and it was sold by someone who bought an old car and the penlight was found down the side of a seat when cleaning the car.

      So for the mod... As you said yours is a 1980s model what is the threading you have on yours, as it may be very different to the 1960's & 70's versions I have.

      Speak soon.


    2. Apologies; didn't make myself plain. The pen torch i have is an Ever Ready 1980 (item's catalogue number), the second version (ie, the one from the '76 catalogue, the same as your newer one).

    3. As for how i found it, i've been watching for a not-stupidly-priced one for about six years, and finally stumbled on another* late last year. Had to get a friend to help me; the seller would only post to the UK, and i'm in Oz.

      (*I found one at a reasonable price back in 2014, on a little UK auction site, but while i was trying to convince the stupid site to let me buy something even though i was in Australia, someone else found it as well and bought it from under me.)

    4. Wow, I'm surprised you found one (was it this year?) and not at a silly price too. Yes people have gone a bit mad and it's a shame as it is the incorrect versions that they bid on too. I've stopped looking for one, obviously, but part of my reason for getting my act together with the blog was to highlight the fact that people were bidding and buying the wrong item and to hopefully stop the silly price hike, but I guess people will pay want they want. £300 for was was a seriously silly amount... for the wrong penlite!!

      Have to say, you are really lucky if you found one, lost one, then found another. Determination in these things. Glad you finally found one. Hmm, I do think that that auction site were a bit out of order, and the sellers could have held it for you until all was sorted. Is the one you got in good condition. The plastic on my 1st one was a bit damaged and worn. The barrel was in good shape though.

    5. No, late last year i found it. I'm guessing that demand will slacken off now, in light of your discovery. As for the auction site, it really doesn't surprise me. And as i recall, the fellow who i assume did buy it did the fan community a service by posting all the dimensions and pictures online, so something good came from it.

      The one i did finally get a hold of is in much the same condition as yours, btw.

    6. Was that on ebay or car boot?Does it work? All mine did from the off... though my 1st edition is very temperamental. Shame.

    7. It was on eBay, but it was buried in a listing, with no identifying description—which is how i assume i was able to avoid the Legendary Demon that is buying them up and hoarding them ;}P> (All Praise the Demon!) And it's a little temperamental as well, but not too bad. I have been and will be keeping my eye out for a 1st as well, of course, but my confidence levels are not as high. ;}P>

    8. I've just stumbled on another of the wrong penlight, if you know anyone who wants one?

    9. I do. Adam who originally started this for me. My aim was always to get him one!

  2. Ah right, no worries. So just to check (incase they changed the design) how does yours thread at the moment? If it's like mine I copied the threading inside the original cap by using a peice of metal tube I had that was threaded. A bit like a screw tapper that you can buy. This 'cut the plastic inside to make a thread. It's not 100% perfect, but it works. I haven't played with the internal gubbings as yet to get it to switch on and off. That said, I haven't got all the bits from DEC as I was only sent the cap, so need to find a spring. I hope that helps and let me know how you found yours. I love hearing the stories.

    1. I didn't get the spring either, so i guess scrounging for one that fits is my next step. I think i'll try plumber's tape, though, not keen on damaging the original.

    2. (The plumber's tape didn't work very well. Back to the drawing board!)

  3. Oh I meant to say.. Word of warning. If you what I have done and cutout a new thread inside, it will mean that you wont be able to screw it back onto your DEC version, if you have one. If you bought it before his upgrade, you will have a spare cap to experiment on, so you could do that 1st I guess?

    1. I just got the upgrade kit, not the whole DEC. I'm on a budget.

    2. Great that DEC sold you one. As I said in my post, I am so surprised at the size against the original. Very good, especially as he didnt have an original to work off! Let me know if you get them to work with a spring, as I'll have a go too.

      Out of interest, as I'm curious to know where the traffic to this site comes from, how did you find me?

    3. I do note from examining it that the new mechanism doesn't seem to be capable of locking down to the 'on' position. Does the original do that?

      I've been watching your site since your first post, being interested in your content. IIRC, it came up in a google search?

    4. Yeah, it does. It's very much like a pen clicker, so it stays down when on. Click again when wanting it off. This was the big give-a-way for me pointing that out that the one we all thought was correct wasnt. Hence my mission to find the Catalogues so there could be no doubt.

      Ah, always good to know where the news about this blog pops up. To be honest the spread of the Sonic info took me by surprise as I'm no longer on any prop based sites. Glad its reaching people. Please feel free to post a link here to anyone who may have an interest. Must do a few more entries now we are in a bit of a lockdown.

    5. Always happy to share. Actually, i think i've seen your Blog mentioned a few times on Facebook. The Outpost Who group in particular. Looking forward to reading new entries!
